Saturday, October 29, 2011

Buffalo law firm and top US foreclosure firm celebrates Halloween by dressing up as the people they made homeless

Buffalo - On Friday, the law firm of Steven J. Baum threw a Halloween party. The firm, which is located near Buffalo, is what is commonly referred to as a “foreclosure mill” firm, meaning it represents banks and mortgage servicers as they attempt to foreclose on homeowners and evict them from their homes. Steven J. Baum is, in fact, the largest such firm in New York; it represents virtually all the giant mortgage lenders, including Citigroup, JPMorgan Chase, Bank of America and Wells Fargo.
The party is the firm’s big annual bash. Employees wear Halloween costumes to the office, where they party until around noon, and then return to work, still in costume. I can’t tell you how people dressed for this year’s party, but I can tell you about last year’s.
That’s because a former employee of Steven J. Baum recently sent me snapshots of last year’s party. In an e-mail, she said that she wanted me to see them because they showed an appalling lack of compassion toward the homeowners — invariably poor and down on their luck — that the Baum firm had brought foreclosure proceedings against. 

That's how you stick it to those hippie douchebags. Dress up as them. It's brilliant. Such a slap in the face to all the homeless families withering away in the snowstorms pounding the northeast right now. Bloomberg dick slaps the OWSers and takes away their generators and sources of heat before the snowstorm. Not a good turn of events for these guys. Everyone laughing right in their faces like yeah I got your 99% right here buddy.

But really this just seems like a cop out. I'm struggling to come up with the most basic costume ideas and these 1%ers just have their halloweens put on a tee for them. I guess everything is gravy for the people who work to get where they are and something about that seems fishy. Where's my handout? I just want a good Halloween idea.

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