Thursday, November 3, 2011

Eagle takes out paraglider at a billion feet above sea level

"YES! ALIVE! SAFE! FUCK! ALIVE! SAFE! EAGLE!" (only need to watch first two minutes)

Let me preface this by telling you that I am scared shitless of heights. Like I get nauseous when I'm sitting on a couch surfin the net and I see one of those wide angle lens shots from like the top of a skyscraper looking straight down. There's a reason people don't have wings and this is exactly why. Eagle sees this guy cruising around on the thermals and stakes his claim to the skies. I'm all about the adrenaline rush but personally I think you can get your thrills at the blackjack table with a whiskey rocks in your hand just as much as you can get them jumping out of a fucking plane.

When I waited tables we would get all these Eastern Europeans to come in and work and it sounded exactly like this when they talked but no one knew what they were saying. I guess now I know that they were just saying fuck you to each other and calling each other bitches as loud as they could which I'm sure is like the Bosnian version of the Penis game.

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